Meeting in the Middle Conference Agenda

February 18th, Cone Center (Rooms 208 and 210), University of North Carolina – Charlotte

9:00: Coffee

9:30am: Peter Felten (Elon University)

11:00am: Poster Presentation Set-up

11:30am: In-house Luncheon

12:30pm: Poster Visitation and informal research discussions

Megan Hodgson & Tony Atkins (UNC Wilmington)
“Plagiarism 101: UNC System Schools and How we Enforce Plagiarism Policies”

Diana Ashe (UNC Wilmington)
“Real-Time Grading: A Tool for Engaging Millennial Writers.”

Jessie Moore and Paula Patch (Elon University)
“First-Year Digital Literacies: Teaching and Researching Technology-Enriched Innovations”

Nancy Barendse (Charleston Southern University)
“Using a Computer to Assess Revision”

2:00pm: Laura Cruz (Western Carolina University)

3:30pm: Closing remarks

Register Now

It’s not too late to join us!  If you would like to be a part of our One-day event and bring a friend with you for free, fill out the registration form (click here) and send it directly to Nancy Barendse ( no later than Monday, February 14.

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