First-Year Writing Programs in NC and SC

As you might remember, the Carolinas WPA website once listed basic information about several first-year writing programs in the Carolinas. Jessie Moore, the Carolinas WPA Web and List Manager, currently is working to re-launch an improved version of that resource as the first of several Carolinas WPA web resources on writing programs in NC and SC.

Please help make this resource as comprehensive as possible by completing the First-Year Writing Programs in NC and SC survey at or by forwarding it to the first-year writing program administrator at your school.

While this initial survey focuses on first-year writing programs, future surveys will address writing centers, writing across the curriculum programs, undergraduate writing majors, and graduate writing programs. Information from each survey will be posted one month after the survey is released; the surveys will remain open, though, with updates added to the corresponding web resource twice a year.

Thank you for your help making this a valuable resource for Carolinas WPA members!